september 24-25, 2024: layout looks normal now almost completed with home page! new buttons, counters, made calendar iframe so i could make a second table easily. redid links & email section. loving the new layout..

september 23, 2024: I changed the layout a lot today! still looks a bit broken. will add contact again tomorrow and hopefully fix layout!

september 18, 2024: haitus over! new header & nav image! homepage revamp in progress i have a different vision for it..

September 17th Update: ordered a new tablet! site building will continue sometime this week!

AUGUST UPDATE: indefinite hiatus until further notice. i need a new tablet soon but money is tight so idk when ill have the time TT

JUNE UPDATE: progress slow due to school & tablet broken... cannot create graphics at this time... updates will be slow and irregular about me still in progress!

april 18, 2024: completed entrance page working on about me & counter!

april 8, 2024: completed navigation!

april 5, 2024: added contact, made notice pretty with drawings!

april 2, 2024: created my button! added to main page! edited calendar to highlight my bday!

march 25, 2024: edited layout, added notice box to page

march 22, 2024: added about the site section and album favs. navigation in development

march 21, 2024: calendar styling finished, added update log to index, replaced bestie image and put border collie ad instead! added background image

march 20, 2024: added first header, phone profile, my friends tiny ad, completed calendar script.

march 19, 2024: template finished, drew main header, started calendar, adding other assets soon.

march 18, 2024: site born! template semi/unfinished