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discord: yosukeluvr69

hint!: site authors birthday is september 1rst!

hello and welcome to my websitesealwithredglasses. a very strange name indeed but to explain it simply, my favorite plushie (along with him being one of my best friends) harper, is a harp seal with red glasses therefore the site is named sealwithredglasses.

the purpose of the site is to display my coding abilities and have fun in my own space where i can put silly art and blog about my day, log my big collection, keep track of things happening in my life and rant about my interests! to those visiting. thank you for stumbling across my website and i hope you enjoy this part of me and everything else too...!


viewing the code is more than welcome on my site so you can learn or if you need help with leaning how something works! however, don't use my custom images! in the resources page there are resources i used to design graphics along with free to use graphic sites that i credited! thank you so much!♪

site visitors!